Sun Protection 7 Tips

It's beautiful outside and it's the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors, at Aquadventure we love spending time in the water, be it at the pool, beach, or on a snorkeling trip, but do remember to be wise about sun protection.

These are some of our top 7 tips for Sun Protection:

  1. Wear protective clothes: If you are spending a day out, considering wearing additional clothing that will protect your skin under prolonged exposure.
  2. Plan your sun-time: Try to be out during the early morning or late afternoon hours, while avoiding the middle of the day when the sun is strongest.
  3. Protect your eyes with proper sunglasses: Choose a pair with UV protection and wear them the whole time you are out. Even in cloudy conditions, the sun still affects your eyes. Teach and encourage young kids to do the same.
  4. Get in the shade: When out at the pool or beach, find a shady spot where you can rest and avoid excessive exposure to the sun.
  5. Bring the shade with you: Whenever possible, plan ahead, bring umbrellas, tents, gazebos and other gear that will help you avoid direct exposure to the sun.
  6. Wear the right kind of sunblock: There are hundreds of products available, but some of them are not so good for you, read here to find out what to use and what not to use.
  7. Don't get a sunburn: It's fun to play outside, but try to follow these tips to prevent a sunburn in the first place and seek shelter at the right time of day.